It all started on Thursday, we were weekly planning and we realized that we had $20 from our mission president that was given to us specifically to use for #LighttheWorld, and we hadn't touched any of it! What were we to do with this little wad of cash that was burning a hole in our pockets? We we pulled out the calendars we have for the initiative and said a little prayer to ask Heavenly Father what we should do with the money we had been given.
The first thought I had was to give scarves to homeless people, because they need something warm for the holidays! This coordinated perfectly with Day 16 "I was naked and ye clothed me." Sister Rust agreed with that idea and we agreed to go get scarves from the Dollar Tree down the street and tie them around posts down Pacific Avenue, the main street near our house. We figured we could do about 5 of those, leaving us $15 to do something else.
We were stumped for a few minutes, but we read on Day 15 "Blessed are the Merciful" accompanied by a suggestion to do something special for someone in need. We thought about it and came up with a name of someone we thought we could do something nice for, but we also wanted our Bishop's input. So we texted him, and he replied with the exact same name we had come up with! Can you say "Revelation"? It was perfect!
So we went on a $20 spending spree at the good old Dollar Tree, and got scarves and presents for this family. We gave them a copy of Joy to the World and some popcorn for a movie night, toys for the kids, and pampering stuff for this sweet single sister. We stuffed all these things into individual stockings and dropped them off on their porch.
What we gave was nothing big, we only had $20, but it was something that those kids will probably remember and be grateful for.
I love this opportunity we have to #LighttheWorld. Our Savior, Jesus Christ is the light of the world, and as we share that light with others, everyone is blessed. This world needs a little more Jesus, so we all need to go out and share His light!
All my love and a Merry Christmas!
Sister Megan Monson
Sister missionaries Sister Monson and Rust |
Home of Almond Rosa |
#lighttheworld day16 |